Full features CRUD database no more than 1 minute

You can create full features CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) database application in no more than 1 minute. Here are your steps to create such of application:

  • Create your table database.

  • Create manifest with process_type: gencode_dblist1,or gencode_dbmaint1, or gencode_dbmix1. Fill only the name of application and table you just created. (another process_type will be added countinually.)

  • Execute the manifest.

  • Install your application in container.

You can finishing step 2 and 3 in no more than 1 minute.
If you fast enough doing step 1 and 4, all steps can be finishing in ~ 1 minute.

Here is an example CRUD database application that need only 20 seconds for step 2 and 3:

Manifest in usage:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration id="mix">
<section name="core">
<!-- Process Configuration-->
<config name="process">
<config name="type">gencode_dbmix1</config>
<config name="name">GenCodeDbmix1TEST</config>
<config name="start"></config>
<config name="end"></config>

<!--Database Connection-->

<config name="config">
<config name="public">0</config>
<config name="securitycodes">
<config name="default">
<config name="code">2</config>
<config name="name">dbmix1 TEST</config>
<config name="description">dbmix1 TEST</config>

<config name="query">
<config name="table">Test</config>

<config name="form">
<config name="search">
<config name="name">Test</config>
<config name="parameters">
<config name="ds_keywords">
<config name="type">like</config>
<config name="caption">KeywordsColumn</config>
<config name="column">1,0</config>
<config name="data">
<config name="frame">
<config name="maint">

<config name="output">
<config name="sign"><![CDATA[stevanus.dh@gmail.com]]></config>

<config name="item">
<config name="name">Test</config>
<config name="names">Tests</config>

<config name="class">
<config name="name">TestMix</config>
<config name="author">Stevanus DH</config>
<config name="package">TEST</config>
<config name="version">1.0.0</config>
<config name="copyright">Stevanus DH</config>
<config name="description">DESCR</config>


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