LightArmy provides basic applications as proof of concept and as basis for application development. Below are all basic applications grouped by its category.
Page category basic applications:DelegationDelegation is suppose to provide a way on delegating tasks.
EscalationEscalation is supposed to provide a way on escalating tasks.
Change DateChange Date is supposed to change the recording date of data.
Web-based AdministrationProvided a way to manage and administer using web-based application.
NoteNote is supposed to help create note. Note available on any application that use LightArmy.
ToDoToDo is supposed to help create todo. ToDo available on any application that use LightArmy. ToDo can be delegated to another user.
NewsNews is supposed to help create news.
MessageMessage is supposed to help create message between users.
BookmarkBookmark is supposed to help create bookmark.
Web Service category basic applications:AccountAccount is web service to provide Account service.
ChannelChannel is web service to provide HTTP Channel service.
LoginLogin is web service to provide Login service.
LogoutLogout is web service to provide Logout service
PublicKeyPublicKey is web service to provide PublicKey service.
Queen Processes (Continue Processing) category basic applications:ant_workerlaunchWorker Launcher will launch worker(s) to do a specified process by that worker.
email_autoresponseEmail Autoresponse takes an incoming email message from a mailbox, and sends the response using bayesian recognizer pattern to determine the response to 'replyto'/or sender.
email_mimesenderEmail MIME Sender takes an incoming message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection in an xml of MIME or a MIME.
email_notifyEmail Notify takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' queue notify and emails it to the destination.
email_qmimesenderEmail MIME Sender takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' in an xml of MIME or a MIME.
email_qsenderEmail Sender takes an incoming message from a queue 'source', and sends it using the parameters 'body','to','from','subject', 'cc','bcc', and 'replyto'.
email_senderEmail Sender takes an incoming xml message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection , and sends it using the parameters 'body','to','from','subject', 'cc','bcc', and 'replyto'.
email_scheduledEmail Scheduled processes scheduled email to be sent in a specified of time.
file_receiverMessage Logger takes an incoming message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and writes it to a directory, declared in 'directory' with a unique filename based on the message ID with an extension declared in 'extension'.
file_senderFile Sender scans directories declared in the comma separated list 'directory' for files with an extension declared in 'extension', takes their contents, and sends them to the topic 'destination' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection. If no extension is declared, all files in the directory will be sent out. If you wish to send files with no extension only, then set 'requirext' to which will send any file without an extension.
jabber_receiveJabber Connector allows a Queen to integrate with a Jabber Connection to allow for very convenient message reception, injection, and forwarding. The process listens for messages on both the STOMP connection and the Jabber Connection. When a message comes in from the STOMP connection's 'source' topic, the client will send an Instant Message to all users declared in the comma separated value list 'jabberers'. You can declare individual people in the list by their
jabber ids:,
You can also add the string 'roster' to the 'jabberers' list, and the client will generate a roster of all users which the client can see, and will send the message to those users, in addition to any statically declared users. The client should not double-send messages to a user defined as a static entry who is also within the visible users group.
When a message comes into the client from any users, that message will be forwarded to all the topics defined in the comma separated values list of destination topics. The code is also designed to allow users to declare within an IM to the client different topics to send the message to.
kannel_queuebroadcastKannel Queue Broadcast takes an incoming message from a queue box 'incoming' on the 'queue router', process service request and sends broadcast to 'outgoing'.
kannel_queuedeliverystatusKannel Queue Delivery Status takes an incoming message from a queue 'delivery' on the 'queue router' and update the status of related sent message.
kannel_queuesenderThe Kannel Queue Sender takes an incoming message from a queue 'outgoing' on the 'queue router' and sends it.
kannel_queueserviceKannel Queue Service takes an incoming message from a queue box 'incoming' on the 'queue router', process service request and sends to 'outgoing' .
kannel_stompbroadcastKannel Stomp Broadcast takes an incoming message from a topic 'incoming' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection, process service request and sends broadcast to 'outgoing' .
kannel_stompdeliverystatusKannel STOMP Delivery Status takes an incoming message from a queue 'delivery' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and update the status of related sent message.
kannel_stompsenderKannel STOMP Sender takes an incoming message from a topic 'outgoing' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and sends it.
kannel_stompserviceKannel Stomp Service takes an incoming message from a topic 'incoming' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection, process service request and sends to 'outgoing' .
message_bridgeBridging Process takes an incoming message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and resends it to a topic 'destination' on the 'sendmq' stomp connection.
message_databankDatabase Logger takes an incoming message from the 'source' topic over the 'mainmq' stomp connection and logs it to the 'maindb.tables' table in the 'maindb' database.
message_transformerMessage Transformer takes an incoming XML message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and uses PHP5's XSL Functions to transform the message using the XSL File declared in 'transformer', then resends the message to the topic 'destination' on the 'sendmq' stomp connection.
queue_routerQueue Router takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' and resends it to pass to the selectors for message distribution.
queue_notifyrouterQueue Notify Router takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' and resends it to pass to the selectors for message distribution.
queue_senderQueue Sender takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' and resends it to the destination.
scheduledtasks_executeScheduled Tasks executes scheduled tasks at predefined time or interval time.
sms_notifySMS Notify takes an incoming message from a queue 'source' and SMS it to the destination.
sms_scheduledSMS Scheduled processes scheduled SMS to be sent at predefined time.
stomp_receiverStomp Receiver takes an incoming message from a topic 'source' on the 'mainmq' stomp connection and writes it to a queue.
Worker Processing (One-time Processing) category basic applications:gc_cache (Cache Garbage Collector)This class is designed to monitor cache directory or directories, take cleanup as necessary.
gc_log(Log Garbage Collector)This class is designed to monitor log directory or directories, take cleanup as necessary.
gc_session(Session Garbage Collector)This class is designed to monitor session information, take cleanup as necessary.
xml_transformer (XML Transformer)XML Transformer will transform an xml to another xml using xslt.
backup_databaseDatabase Backup do backup data from database table/query to another table in the same/different database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
backup_sysfilesThis class is designed to backup files and depending on settings, have selection criteria.
restore_databaseDatabase Importer do restore data to database table from another table in the same/different
database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
restore_databaseupdateDatabase Update do update data in database table from another table in the same/different
database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics
of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
restore_sysfilesThis class is designed to restore files, and depending on settings, have selection criteria.
restore_sysfilesupdateThis class is designed to update files, and depending on settings, have selection criteria.
buffer_processor(queue)Buffer Queue Processor processes unsent queue to resend.
file_cdownloaderFile Curl Downloader is designed to download file from http or ftp server to local file utilizing curl. Unlimited files (depend on server resource) can be processed concurrently.
file_sdownloaderFile Stream Downloader is designed to download file from http or ftp server to local file utilizing stream. Unlimited files (depend on server resource) can be processed concurrently.
file_syncronizeFile Synchronize will synchronize local files with server using file exchange protocol.
csv_exportThis class is designed to export csv file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either xml, dif, json, excel, or tab of filesystem. You can also export to database.
database_exportDatabase Exporter do export data from database table/query to another table in the same/different database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
database_importDatabase Importer do import data to database table from another table in the same/different database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
database_updateDatabase Updater do update data in database table from another table in the same/different database, and filesystem in any file format,ie: xml, json, dif, excel, tab, & csv.
You need to configure both the source and destination, the type and definition of each. The type specify the exact type of source and destination. The destination specify the instance of corresponding type specified. The valid value for source type are sql, table, or database. The valid value for destination type are filesystem or database. For filesystem destination type, you need to define content type. Content type define the file format. You can specify some characteristics of file format. Each format has its own set of characters /attributes. You can specify the file extension for all formats. If you not specify at format level, the exporter extension setting will take place.
dif_exportThis class is designed to export data interchange format (dif) file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either xml, json, excel, csv, or tab of filesystem. You can also export to database.
excel_exportThis class is designed to export excel file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either xml, dif, json, csv, or tab of filesystem. You can also export to database.
files_importThis class is designed to import files, and depending on settings, have selection criteria.
files_exportThis class is designed to export file (s) to another location. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions.
files_updateThis class is designed to update data files, and depending on settings, have selection criteria.
json_exportThis class is designed to export json file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either xml, dif, excel, csv, or tab of filesystem. You can also export to database.
tab_exportThis class is designed to export tab file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either xml, dif, json, excel, or csv of filesystem. You can also export to database.
xml_exportThis class is designed to export xml file to another format. Based on its settings, can export a single file or folder with exceptions. The destination file(s) can either dif, json, excel, csv, or tab of filesystem. You can also export to database.
ant_monitorThe Ant Runtime Monitor checks ants specified in configuration for validity of its runtime data.
Kannel Handlers(SMS/WAP Service Handler)queue_handlerThe Queue Kannel Handler use to define queues of kannel service utilizes queue, log storage and their usage.
stomp_handlerThe STOMP Kannel Handler use to define queues of kannel service utilizes stomp supported queue server, log storage and their usage.
direct_smsreplyThe SMS Reply Direct is used to directly reply sms request.
Another basic applications:KannelKannel is a way to integrate kannel (SMS/WAP Gateway) with System securely.
NotifyNotify is provided as general notification function by utilizing queue and queen. Notify is message-based notification function. Now day, there are three types of subscriber: queue, email and SMS. These types are extensible. Subscriber of Queue can be push or pull. Subscriber of email is only push. Subscriber of SMS is only push.