Using Basic Applications (email_mimesender, email_qmimesender & email_scheduled)

In this chapter, we will solve business problem using provided library and utilize provided basic applications.

Business Case:
Business has built a shopisticated approach to maintain customers loyalty. Completely, management know how important of this loyalty to keep business still exists and growth. Company maintain comprehansive customer information. Detail information about the management and Owner is recorded. Consistently, Company sends personalize greeting card utilize email to customer (owner, managements, and family) as appropriate. If necessary, Company also giving a gift to customer. There are some staffs dedicated to do this job. As Company grow and the numbers of customers also significanly grow, the job becomes difficult to manage manually. So many events missed to handle or some handled inappropriate. Company worries of this situation and start looking for the most effective and effisient solution.

Business Solution:
Develop automation system to do check event and process the sending of personalized greeting card to appropriate customer. System will informing of any defined feedback to the responsible people. Feedback ranging from system status to the work performed by system.

Using emil_mimesender or email_qmailsender and email_sechduled to do check and do send the greeting as appropriate.

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